Sunday, January 14, 2007

Pray that your loneliness may spur you into finding something to live for, great enough to die for.- Dag Hammarskjold (1905-1961)

What better reason to write a blog than a break-up. "Scott" and I dated for about seven months (excluding about a month break somewhere in there). I believe that all break-ups are frustrating and heart-wounding in some way. In this case I am still in love with him, but he is not sure of himself to be sure of us. Therefore he could not treat me like I, or anyone else in a relationship, should be treated. That makes me wonder am I really in love with him or just all the little parts of him that are wonderful? No, I actually do love him and the amazing person he is....

I know that this relationship ending is positive in many ways, but in my loneliness those positive attributes don't mean much. They don't wrap strong arms around me while watching a movie or tickle my side when I get too comfortable. They don't text me to see how my day is going or sing along with Depeche Mode when I'm driving. They don't wink at me or tell me that something I said was "cute" when I wasn't trying to be. They just don't provide those things that I value above most others.

That being said, I am doing okay.

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