Sunday, April 1, 2007

Last night I stayed up late playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died. -Steven Wright (1955- )

It was a long day at work and I am starting to wonder if there is ever anything but a long day at work. Just the same it was easier to get through since I knew I was hanging out with Justin tonight. We went to Melee's house and played poker with a bunch of people.

I don't know if it comes across in the posts, but I am a serious card shark. . . Rrright. Tonight was my first poker game where I was acutally betting. It was Texas Hold 'Em and my late night Spike TV watching came in handy. There was a lot of goofing off and a lot of crass humor since I was the only girl for the majority of the time, but it seems like I held my own. I came in second (if you can take places in poker). Yay! I cannot say that a good portion of things was due to the fact that people were getting tired and going "all in" on really lame cards, but I guess that's kind of part of the game. If it is or isn't, I won't complain.

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